
n3t PhocaCart Category module doesn't come with any special stylesheet. It uses just basic Bootsrap 5 or UIkit classes based on layout you choose. Therefore, if you want to customize look of this module, just use your template user stylesheet. Consult your template documentation to find out how to do this.

One exception is Bootstrap 5 collapse and list group layouts, which use small stylesheet to apply subcategories indenting, which is not included in Bootstrap core.

Custom CSS variables

Some properties of output are defined using CSS variables. Defaults are:

--n3t-mod-phocacart-category-indent: 1rem;

Just override it in your template stylesheet, in your template settings or directly in your template code. Consult your template documentation to find out how to do this.

Output override

As any other module in Joomla, this module supports output overrides, so you can completely override its output. Consult Joomla and your template documentation to find out how to do this.